Structure info | |
Layer group | cmm2 |
Layer group number | 26 |
Structure origin | Lyngby22_CDVAE |
Stability | |
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] | 0.215 |
Heat of formation [eV/atom] | -1.270 |
Dynamically stable | Unknown |
Basic properties | |
Symmetries | |
2D Bravais type | Centered rectangular (oc) |
Layer group number | 26 |
Layer group | cmm2 |
Space group number (bulk in AA-stacking) | 35 |
Space group (bulk in AA-stacking) | Cmm2 |
Point group | mm2 |
Inversion symmetry | No |
Structure data | |
Formula | Zr2IS3 |
Stoichiometry | AB2C3 |
Number of atoms | 6 |
Unit cell area [Å2] | 24.155 |
Thickness [Å] | 3.304 |
IZr2S3 (1IZr2S3-1) | |
Heat of formation [eV/atom] | -1.27 |
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] | 0.21 |
Monolayers from C2DB | |
ZrS2 (1ZrS2-1) | -1.59 eV/atom |
Zr2S4 (2ZrS2-1) | -1.52 eV/atom |
Zr2S4 (2ZrS2-2) | -1.40 eV/atom |
ZrS2 (1ZrS2-2) | -1.40 eV/atom |
Zr2I2S2 (2ISZr-1) | -1.38 eV/atom |
ZrS2 (1ZrS2-3) | -1.28 eV/atom |
Zr2IS3, (1IZr2S3-1) | -1.27 eV/atom |
Zr2S6 (2ZrS3-1) | -1.25 eV/atom |
Zr4I4S4 (4ISZr-1) | -1.24 eV/atom |
Zr3S2 (1S2Zr3-1) | -1.24 eV/atom |
Zr2S2 (2SZr-1) | -1.15 eV/atom |
Zr2S2 (2SZr-2) | -1.03 eV/atom |
Zr2I4S4 (2ZrI2S2-1) | -1.00 eV/atom |
Zr2S2 (2SZr-3) | -0.96 eV/atom |
Zr2I2S (1SI2Zr2-1) | -0.94 eV/atom |
Zr2S2 (2SZr-4) | -0.93 eV/atom |
Zr2S2 (2SZr-5) | -0.91 eV/atom |
Zr2I4 (2ZrI2-1) | -0.91 eV/atom |
Zr2I6 (2ZrI3-1) | -0.90 eV/atom |
ZrI2 (1ZrI2-1) | -0.88 eV/atom |
Zr2I6 (2ZrI3-2) | -0.86 eV/atom |
ZrI2 (1ZrI2-2) | -0.77 eV/atom |
Zr2S10 (2ZrS5-1) | -0.70 eV/atom |
Zr2I2 (2IZr-1) | -0.54 eV/atom |
ZrI2 (1ZrI2-3) | -0.42 eV/atom |
Zr2I2 (2IZr-2) | -0.39 eV/atom |
Zr2I2 (2IZr-3) | -0.09 eV/atom |
S2 (2S-1) | 0.45 eV/atom |
S2 (2S-2) | 0.62 eV/atom |
Miscellaneous details | |
Unique ID | 1IZr2S3-1 |
Number of atoms | 6 |
Number of species | 3 |
Formula | Zr2IS3 |
Reduced formula | Zr2IS3 |
Stoichiometry | AB2C3 |
Unit cell area [Å2] | 24.155 |
Original file-system folder | /home/niflheim2/cmr/C2DB-ASR/tree_CDVAE/AB2C3/IZr2S3/IZr2S3-111a51e1d512 |
Old uid | IZr2S3-8c4cd156cb28 |
Space group (bulk in AA-stacking) | Cmm2 |
Space group number (bulk in AA-stacking) | 35 |
Miscellaneous details | |
Point group | mm2 |
Inversion symmetry | No |
Layer group number | 26 |
Layer group | cmm2 |
2D Bravais type | Centered rectangular (oc) |
Thickness [Å] | 3.304 |
Structure origin | Lyngby22_CDVAE |
Dynamically stable | Unknown |
Energy [eV] | -36.141 |
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] | 0.215 |
Heat of formation [eV/atom] | -1.270 |