Structure info | |
Layer group | p112/a |
Layer group number | 7 |
Structure origin | Lyngby22_CDVAE |
Stability | |
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] | 0.056 |
Heat of formation [eV/atom] | -0.280 |
Dynamically stable | No |
Basic properties | |
Magnetic | No |
Out-of-plane dipole [e Å/unit cell] | 0.000 |
Band gap (PBE) [eV] | 0.000 |
Symmetries | |
2D Bravais type | Oblique (mp) |
Layer group number | 7 |
Layer group | p112/a |
Space group number (bulk in AA-stacking) | 13 |
Space group (bulk in AA-stacking) | P2/c |
Point group | 2/m |
Inversion symmetry | Yes |
Structure data | |
Formula | Pt4I2Br2S4 |
Stoichiometry | ABC2D2 |
Number of atoms | 12 |
Unit cell area [Å2] | 37.505 |
Thickness [Å] | 5.860 |
Br2I2Pt4S4 (2BrIPt2S2-1) | |
Heat of formation [eV/atom] | -0.28 |
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] | 0.06 |
Monolayers from C2DB | |
PtS2 (1PtS2-1) | -0.39 eV/atom |
Pt2S4 (2PtS2-1) | -0.34 eV/atom |
Pt2Br2S2 (2BrPtS-1) | -0.33 eV/atom |
Pt4I2Br2S4, (2BrIPt2S2-1) | -0.28 eV/atom |
Pt4Br8 (4PtBr2-1) | -0.27 eV/atom |
Pt2Br4 (2PtBr2-1) | -0.25 eV/atom |
Pt2Br2 (2BrPt-1) | -0.23 eV/atom |
Pt2Br6 (2PtBr3-1) | -0.22 eV/atom |
Pt2I2S2 (2IPtS-1) | -0.21 eV/atom |
PtIBr (1BrIPt-1t) | -0.17 eV/atom |
Pt4I8 (4PtI2-1) | -0.17 eV/atom |
Pt2S2 (2PtS-1) | -0.15 eV/atom |
Pt2S2 (2PtS-2) | -0.13 eV/atom |
Pt2I4 (2PtI2-1) | -0.13 eV/atom |
Pt2I2 (2IPt-1) | -0.10 eV/atom |
Pt2I6 (2PtI3-1) | -0.09 eV/atom |
Pt2S2 (2PtS-3) | -0.07 eV/atom |
Pt2S8 (2PtS4-1) | -0.05 eV/atom |
Pt2S8 (2PtS4-2) | -0.02 eV/atom |
PtBr2 (1PtBr2-1) | 0.02 eV/atom |
Pt2S2 (2PtS-4) | 0.03 eV/atom |
Pt2S2 (2PtS-5) | 0.03 eV/atom |
Pt2Br6 (2PtBr3-2) | 0.06 eV/atom |
Pt2S2 (2PtS-6) | 0.08 eV/atom |
PtI2 (1PtI2-1) | 0.10 eV/atom |
Pt2I6 (2PtI3-2) | 0.14 eV/atom |
PtBr2 (1PtBr2-2) | 0.14 eV/atom |
Pt2I2 (2IPt-2) | 0.15 eV/atom |
PtI2 (1PtI2-2) | 0.15 eV/atom |
PtS2 (1PtS2-2) | 0.20 eV/atom |
PtS2 (1PtS2-3) | 0.20 eV/atom |
Pt2Br2 (2BrPt-2) | 0.28 eV/atom |
PtBr2 (1PtBr2-3) | 0.31 eV/atom |
Pt2I2 (2IPt-3) | 0.32 eV/atom |
PtI2 (1PtI2-3) | 0.34 eV/atom |
Pt2I2 (2IPt-4) | 0.36 eV/atom |
Pt2Br2 (2BrPt-3) | 0.39 eV/atom |
S2 (2S-1) | 0.45 eV/atom |
S2 (2S-2) | 0.62 eV/atom |
Minimum eigenvalue of Hessian [eV/Ų] | -1.56 |
Cij (N/m) | xx | yy | xy |
xx | 44.63 | 14.86 | 62.24 |
yy | 15.00 | 35.37 | 74.74 |
xy | 26.97 | 40.31 | -61.46 |
Stiffness tensor eigenvalues | |
Eigenvalue 0 | -93.58 N/m |
Eigenvalue 1 | 26.01 N/m |
Eigenvalue 2 | 86.11 N/m |
Properties [eV] | |
Band gap | 0.000 |
Direct band gap | 0.000 |
Vacuum level shift | 0.000 |
Fermi level wrt. vacuum | -4.521 |
Miscellaneous details | |
Unique ID | 2BrIPt2S2-1 |
Number of atoms | 12 |
Number of species | 4 |
Formula | Pt4I2Br2S4 |
Reduced formula | Pt2IBrS2 |
Stoichiometry | ABC2D2 |
Unit cell area [Å2] | 37.505 |
Original file-system folder | /home/niflheim2/cmr/C2DB-ASR/tree_CDVAE/ABC2D2/BrIPt2S2/Br2I2Pt4S4-d35be872eddd |
Old uid | Br2I2Pt4S4-497714b72f76 |
Space group (bulk in AA-stacking) | P2/c |
Space group number (bulk in AA-stacking) | 13 |
Point group | 2/m |
Inversion symmetry | Yes |
Layer group number | 7 |
Layer group | p112/a |
2D Bravais type | Oblique (mp) |
Thickness [Å] | 5.860 |
Structure origin | Lyngby22_CDVAE |
Miscellaneous details | |
Band gap [eV] | 0.000 |
Direct band gap [eV] | 0.000 |
gap_dir_nosoc | 0.000 |
Vacuum level [eV] | 3.870 |
Fermi level wrt. vacuum [eV] | -4.521 |
Vacuum level shift [eV] | 0.000 |
Out-of-plane dipole [e Å/unit cell] | 0.000 |
minhessianeig | -1.555 |
Dynamically stable | No |
Energy [eV] | -51.212 |
Magnetic | No |
Total magnetic moment [μB] | 0.000 |
Spin axis | z |
Magnetic anisotropy energy, xz [meV/unit cell] | 0.000 |
Magnetic anisotropy energy, yz [meV/unit cell] | 0.000 |
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] | 0.056 |
Heat of formation [eV/atom] | -0.280 |