Structure info | |
Layer group | pmmn |
Layer group number | 46 |
Structure origin | Wang23 |
Stability | |
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] | 0.055 |
Heat of formation [eV/atom] | -0.637 |
Dynamically stable | Yes |
Basic properties | |
Magnetic | No |
Out-of-plane dipole [e Å/unit cell] | 0.000 |
Band gap (PBE) [eV] | 1.226 |
Band gap (HSE) [eV] | 1.965 |
Symmetries | |
2D Bravais type | Rectangular (op) |
Layer group number | 46 |
Layer group | pmmn |
Space group number (bulk in AA-stacking) | 59 |
Space group (bulk in AA-stacking) | Pmmn |
Point group | mmm |
Inversion symmetry | Yes |
Structure data | |
Formula | Pb2I4 |
Stoichiometry | AB2 |
Number of atoms | 6 |
Unit cell area [Å2] | 37.747 |
Thickness [Å] | 3.745 |
Pb2I4 (2PbI2-1) | |
Heat of formation [eV/atom] | -0.64 |
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] | 0.06 |
Minimum eigenvalue of Hessian [eV/Ų] | -0.00 |
Cij (N/m) | xx | yy | xy |
xx | 23.68 | 2.55 | 0.00 |
yy | 2.96 | 9.95 | 0.00 |
xy | 0.00 | 0.00 | 5.51 |
Stiffness tensor eigenvalues | |
Eigenvalue 0 | 5.51 N/m |
Eigenvalue 1 | 9.42 N/m |
Eigenvalue 2 | 24.21 N/m |
Properties [eV] | |
Band gap | 1.226 |
Direct band gap | 1.417 |
VBM wrt. vacuum | -6.089 |
CBM wrt. vacuum | -4.863 |
Vacuum level shift | 0.000 |
Properties [eV] | |
Band gap | 1.965 |
Direct band gap | 2.261 |
VBM wrt. vacuum | -6.580 |
CBM wrt. vacuum | -4.615 |
ZPbij | ux | uy | uz |
Px | 4.58 | -0.00 | -0.00 |
Py | 0.00 | 3.32 | -0.00 |
Pz | 0.00 | -0.00 | 0.54 |
ZIij | ux | uy | uz |
Px | -2.29 | -0.00 | -0.40 |
Py | -0.00 | -1.66 | 0.00 |
Pz | -0.03 | 0.00 | -0.27 |
ZIij | ux | uy | uz |
Px | -2.29 | -0.00 | 0.40 |
Py | -0.00 | -1.66 | -0.00 |
Pz | 0.03 | -0.00 | -0.27 |
ZPbij | ux | uy | uz |
Px | 4.58 | -0.00 | -0.00 |
Py | 0.00 | 3.32 | 0.00 |
Pz | -0.00 | 0.00 | 0.54 |
ZIij | ux | uy | uz |
Px | -2.29 | 0.00 | -0.40 |
Py | 0.00 | -1.66 | -0.00 |
Pz | -0.03 | -0.00 | -0.27 |
ZIij | ux | uy | uz |
Px | -2.29 | 0.00 | 0.40 |
Py | 0.00 | -1.66 | 0.00 |
Pz | 0.03 | 0.00 | -0.27 |
Atom No. | Chemical symbol | Charges [|e|] |
0 | Pb | 0.95 |
1 | Pb | 0.95 |
2 | I | -0.48 |
3 | I | -0.47 |
4 | I | -0.48 |
5 | I | -0.47 |
Properties | |
Interband polarizability (x) [Å] | 3.109 |
Interband polarizability (y) [Å] | 2.318 |
Interband polarizability (z) [Å] | 0.423 |
Static polarizability [Å] | |
Phonons only (x) | 24.37 |
Phonons only (y) | 4.86 |
Phonons only (z) | 0.05 |
Total (phonons + electrons) (x) | 27.48 |
Total (phonons + electrons) (y) | 7.18 |
Total (phonons + electrons) (z) | 0.47 |
Miscellaneous details | |
Unique ID | 2PbI2-1 |
Number of atoms | 6 |
Number of species | 2 |
Formula | Pb2I4 |
Reduced formula | PbI2 |
Stoichiometry | AB2 |
Unit cell area [Å2] | 37.747 |
Original file-system folder | /home/niflheim2/cmr/C2DB-ASR/tree_Wang23/AB2/PbI2/Pb2I4-b7d2692a2aaa |
Old uid | Pb2I4-6698b580065e |
Space group (bulk in AA-stacking) | Pmmn |
Space group number (bulk in AA-stacking) | 59 |
Point group | mmm |
Inversion symmetry | Yes |
Layer group number | 46 |
Layer group | pmmn |
2D Bravais type | Rectangular (op) |
Thickness [Å] | 3.745 |
Structure origin | Wang23 |
Band gap [eV] | 1.226 |
Direct band gap [eV] | 1.417 |
gap_dir_nosoc | 2.291 |
Vacuum level [eV] | 3.120 |
Fermi level wrt. vacuum [eV] | -5.476 |
VBM wrt. vacuum [eV] | -6.089 |
CBM wrt. vacuum [eV] | -4.863 |
Vacuum level shift [eV] | 0.000 |
Miscellaneous details | |
Out-of-plane dipole [e Å/unit cell] | 0.000 |
minhessianeig | -0.000 |
Dynamically stable | Yes |
Band gap [eV] | 1.965 |
Direct band gap [eV] | 2.261 |
Fermi level wrt. vacuum [eV] | -5.598 |
VBM wrt. vacuum [eV] | -6.580 |
CBM wrt. vacuum [eV] | -4.615 |
Interband polarizability (x) [Å] | 3.109 |
Interband polarizability (y) [Å] | 2.318 |
Interband polarizability (z) [Å] | 0.423 |
Static polarizability (phonons) (x) [Å] | 24.372 |
Static polarizability (phonons + electrons) (x) [Å] | 27.481 |
Static polarizability (phonons) (y) [Å] | 4.857 |
Static polarizability (phonons + electrons) (y) [Å] | 7.175 |
Static polarizability (phonons) (z) [Å] | 0.048 |
Static polarizability (phonons + electrons) (z) [Å] | 0.471 |
Energy [eV] | -17.255 |
Magnetic | No |
Total magnetic moment [μB] | 0.000 |
Spin axis | z |
Magnetic anisotropy energy, xz [meV/unit cell] | 0.000 |
Magnetic anisotropy energy, yz [meV/unit cell] | 0.000 |
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] | 0.055 |
Heat of formation [eV/atom] | -0.637 |